?Laugh Out Loud Movie Watch Inception
∑Laugh Out Loud Movie Watch Inception
- Director: Christopher Nolan
- Runtime: 2 hour 28 Min
- 2010
- writed by: Christopher Nolan
- 1955409 Votes
- review: Dominic Cobb is the foremost practitioner of the artistic science of extraction, inserting oneself into a subject"s dreams to obtain hidden information without the subject knowing, a concept taught to him by his professor father-in-law, Dr. Stephen Miles. Dom"s associates are Miles" former students, who Dom requires as he has given up being the dream architect for reasons he won"t disclose. Dom"s primary associate, Arthur, believes it has something to do with Dom"s deceased wife, Mal, who often figures prominently and violently in those dreams, or Dom"s want to "go home" (get back to his own reality, which includes two young children). Dom"s work is generally in corporate espionage. As the subjects don"t want the information to get into the wrong hands, the clients have zero tolerance for failure. Dom is also a wanted man, as many of his past subjects have learned what Dom has done to them. One of those subjects, Mr. Saito, offers Dom a job he can"t refuse: to take the concept one step further into inception, namely planting thoughts into the subject"s dreams without them knowing. Inception can fundamentally alter that person as a being. Saito"s target is Robert Michael Fischer, the heir to an energy business empire, which has the potential to rule the world if continued on the current trajectory. Beyond the complex logistics of the dream architecture of the case and some unknowns concerning Fischer, the biggest obstacles in success for the team become worrying about one aspect of inception which Cobb fails to disclose to the other team members prior to the job, and Cobb"s newest associate Ariadne"s belief that Cobb"s own subconscious, especially as it relates to Mal, may be taking over what happens in the dreams
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This is interesting! I always thought they were planting Inception on the audience(us) Because every time I"ve seen this I"ve always have a new idea and perspective of the film. I feel as if they are planting all sorts of ideas into us. Without us even realising(straight away. Because we all view the film slightly differently and have different interpretations and construct new theories about the film. Maybe one idea is planted in one person and another idea in another person. And it goes on and on until we build new ideas of the film.
It"s on Netflix now. The movie summary is : they had us in the first half im not gonna lie. Every theory about the end is almost irrelevant. The end is about it not mattering wether he is in a dream or not, it"s that Cobb is happy where he is with his children and his family. I am so happy you awarded the score of Time (the end score when Cobb reunites with his children. It is my FAVOURITE score of all time. Hans Zimmer is an amazing composer! and I listen to it repeatedly, it"s so intensely simple because it"s the same chords throughout but, like you said, the crescendo is what makes it emotional and thrilling.
Such an amazing movie! 10/10 no doubt
Argh, you didn"t mention my favorite scene, when Fischer is talking to Browning in the Hotel and Browning begrudgingly lets go that Fischer"s father didn"t want him to take over the job. except that"s not Browning, it"s a Fischer"s projection, so this scene is Fischer convincing himself via this elaborate ruse. I love it. Gordon said the line we were all thinking. 1:56 this film began Doctor Stranging before Doctor Strange had even began Doctor Stranging.
Spoiler alert. Cripes almighty. Guess I don"t need to see the movie now. After TENET. The best book to movie interpretation I"ve seen in a long time. Is there anyone else who realised that this song is near to 60BPM which means one beat per second. So its exactly the rhythm of a clock. And Im sure I dont need to explain the connection between the title and a clock.
Inception - Best film ever created, hands down. For one time in our life All of us Let"s pray for the people with coronavirus.
The last great trilogy of the DC universe. Hey you called it Leo finally got his oscar.
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